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Стажировка в США. История Успеха Александра

Январь 30th, 2014

стажировка в сшаСегодня тот редкий случай, когда публикуемая статья написана не мной. Знаете ли, это очень классно, когда вы, читатели этого блога, присылаете мне свои истории. Вдвойне приятно, когда эти истории являются историями Успеха, а не отчетами лузеров, ну и конечно же эмоции переполняют выше крыши, когда удается услышать, что в этом успехе сыграл не последнюю роль ваш покорный слуга.
Совсем недавно мне написал Александр из Туркменистана, сумевший получить официальное Offer Letter от Американского работодателя на IT стажировку в США. Мне кажется, что конкретные и невыдуманные success story очень полезны тем, кто действительно хочет двигаться вперед, кто готов ломать стены, и кому для этого немного не хватает веры в себя. Именно поэтому ниже я публикую текст этого письма:

…мне 30 лет и по профессии я IT-инженер. Учусь заочно на последнем курсе в технологическом университете в Бишкеке, факультет информационные технологии. В общем ближе к теме, я нашел программу стажировки в штатах для иностранных студентов и зацепился за это. С английским у меня нормально, работаю с иностросами здесь в ТКМ, поэтому практика немного есть. Недолго думая связался с агентом, чтобы обговорить детали и попадаю ли под все их критерии. Jill Mason, мой агент и по совместительству президент организации которая находит иностранных интернов вроде меня. Я работал с ней около месяца, периодически отвечая на всевозможные опросники, анкеты и параллельно корректируя мое резюме. Она предложила меня в одну компанию в Вегасе, которая заинтересовалась мной. Неделю спустя я прошел удачно интервью с начальником отдела IT по скайпу. Через неделю я нашел letter offer в моем ящике…

Ниже вы увидите полный текст реального Американского Job Offer Letter:

January 20, 2014

Dear Alexander:

We are pleased to extend to you an opportunity for practical training in the Information Technology Department at HOLIDAY SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL. This letter confirms the commitments extended to you by Tarron Messner, Operations Manager. In addition to the training that you will receive specific to your position, you will also:

• Receive operational experience/exposure in the discipline related to your training program

• Learn to understand and enforce our corporate and local standard policies and procedures throughout your department and gain knowledge of interdepartmental procedures; and

• Develop/improve expertise in goal setting, and effective communication.

Your training period is scheduled to begin on March 1, 2014 for a period of 12 months. During this time, you will have the opportunity to use various training resources developed by HOLIDAY SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL to broaden your knowledge of our company’s techniques and operations. The particulars of our offer are as follows:

1. HOLIDAY SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL is a drug-free and smoke-free workplace; therefore, this offer is conditioned on the successful completion of drug and alcohol screening which are in compliance with the company’s policy. Refusal to submit to drug and alcohol testing will result in the candidate’s disqualification for further employment consideration. Furthermore, the candidate will be solely and fully responsible for all costs associated with returning to his/her country within the timeline established by law. You are not allowed to smoke on or off campus.

2. During your Technology training, your pay structure will be based on an hourly rate of $2,000 per month which will equal $11.54 an hour. Your normal schedule will average approximately 40 hours or greater per week. If you work over forty hours during a work week, you will be paid time and a half for all hours in excess of forty. Your normal hours will be Monday — Friday, 8:30am — 5pm. Generally, you will have 2 days off per week(weekends). However, upon occasion you may be asked to work another day. In that case, you will have at least one day off per week, depending on your assignment and schedule. If you are not available to work your normal schedule, additional time off will be unpaid.

3. You will be responsible for paying U.S. Federal, State and Local Taxes but will be exempt from Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Benefit taxes. You will be entitled to claim most of these taxes back when you file your yearend tax return. 

4. Upon your arrival in Las Vegas you will be responsible for finding your own accommodations. This includes housing — rent payment, furniture, utilities, etc. it is important to note that you will need enough funds to assist you in securing local housing and necessities, (we suggest $2,500), and ideally a MasterCard, Visa, or American Express. The Eurocard may only be used in banks and may not provide you as much flexibility as a Mastercard, Visa, or American Express card.

5. We suggest obtaining a local Driver’s License once you have settled into your primary residence. This will allow you to cash checks and obtain car insurance; otherwise, an International License will work as long as it has your picture on it.

6. You are responsible for your business attire clothing. Business causal is your attire Monday — Thursday and casual on Fridays. You are responsible for your meals before, during and after your work shift.

7. As a trainee you will have regular feedback with our managers to discuss your progress and development. The company program is designed to provide you with both work experience and professional growth.

8. It is important for you to understand that you have been granted this opportunity to come to America and train in our company. During the 12 month training you are NOT allowed to work with any other employer and you are NOT allowed to change Host Organizations without the Host Organization’s approval. If you decide to leave HSI before the end of your 12 month assignment, without an approval for a new HO, the US State Department requires that you return back to your home country immediately.

We look forward to having you with us and hope your temporary training assignment with us is a rewarding experience.


Aaron Tayler 

Operations Manager

Ну и конечно же я выложил реальный контракт на Стажировку в США, который Александр обнаружил одним прекрасным днем в своем почтовом ящике.

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